Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Healthy Brain = A Better Mood

Over the past couple of decades or so, the American public has been brainwashed to think that fat in our food is bad. Instead of offering commercials that show us comparisons of the good, healthy fats vs. the bad ones, we've been made to think that all fat is bad and therefore have pretty much eliminated healthy essential fats from our diet. This is disastrous because little did we know and little have we been taught that fat is needed for the healthy functioning of our brain and nervous system.......

 Surprising right?!

Well I'm here to inform you that fat is essential to your health. Not only is it essential for heart health but brain health as well. No wonder so many people in today's society are experiencing depression like never before. It's becoming an epidemic. And if you ask me, it seems like a downright conspiracy so that the drug industry can keep pumping people with drugs that keep their wallets stuffed. 

So here's the truth about fats! 

Fatty acids from fats are what your brain uses to create the specialized cells that allow you to think and feel. The structures within your brain are made up of about 100 billion neurons as well as trillions of support cells called glia (or neuroglia). So what is the function of glia you might be wondering? Well, neuroglia maintain homeostasis, form myelin which is something that insulates and protects neurons and is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Protective myelin is composed of 30% protein and 70% fat. One of the most common fatty acids in myelin is oleic acid, which is also the most abundant fatty acid in human milk, and leads me to comment on breastfeeding. I know that breastfeeding is a controversial topic among moms but this is one of the reasons why breastfeeding is strongly encouraged. It gives your baby such a good start in brain health! I know that some moms really struggle with breastfeeding so if you are one of those moms who just can't, make sure that you are providing a really good quality formula that has the nutrients to supports brain health.  Monosaturated Oleic acid is also found in olive oil. It's one of the main components of olive oil as well as the oils from almonds, pecans, macadamias, peanuts, and avocados.

Back to how the brain functions....

Neuroglia is basically considered to be the "glue" that helps to keep everything together in your nervous system. Glia plays a role in neurotransmission which is a process by which your cells communicate with each other. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that send a signal from a neuron to a target cell to tell it what to do and how to function. When your neurotransmitters are not functioning properly, if really affects your thoughts, your mood, and so many other functions of your body. It can affect your energy level as well because certain chemicals/neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are directly linked to how you feel. The food that you eat also directly affects the brain chemicals that influence your mood and behavior. 

So here are some healthy fats (on the left side of the chart) that I want to share with you that you should be incorporating into your diet to help you keep those neurons healthy and keep your neurotransmitters working the way they should:

~Here's to Your Health!~

1 comment:

  1. Down with sugar! Long live the fats! Love that more and more people are waking up to this idea. (-:
