Friday, November 9, 2012

Emotional Clutter

Moms don't have time to sift through emotional clutter they may have. We’re too busy raising our children and taking care of the family. Everything else comes first and our emotional needs get put on the back burner, all the while, simmering...simmering way too long until things get to a boiling point and there's chaos. Then and only then do we find ourselves willing to deal with our emotions. And a lot of times there are things that are there, emotions that we feel, that we are not even aware of. To tell you the truth, we don’t even really understand most of them, and definitely don't know how to deal with.

     We naturally accumulate clutter in the process of living life. Clutter occurs when you have things that you either don't have a place for (to store and file away) or you have something that you just don't know what to do with. Every year, typically twice a year, Spring and Fall, I go through stuff that I have accumulated over time. Six months is enough time to accumulate quite a bit of stuff that can easily add up to clutter if not monitored and if there's no system in place for filing, storage, and elimination, especially mail and documents. Taking inventory is absolutely necessary. Taking inventory is something that I would say is only required once a year, maybe not even that often. It could be every two years or every few years. But at least once a year I believe you should take inventory of where you've been, where you're at now, and where you're heading or would like to be. Usually at the beginning of each year, because this is usually when most people are looking at what has been accomplished in the previous year, so we get in gear for the New Year and set new goals for ourselves. It's like the process a store owner would go through as he or she walks through the storage room. Clipboard in hand, the store owner, or someone they have appointed, takes stock of what's there. He or she walks through the storage room or warehouse taking inventory of what's there, what's broken, what's good and in working order, what needs to be thrown out from wear and tear, and what needs to be replaced. It's all a process of maintenance. Very rarely do we do this on a personal level. Why? Because we're not taught to do it and, we don't know how to go about doing it. Most people don't even know where to even start taking inventory of their emotions or even what to do with their emotions.

     One of the most powerful emotions is love. But just as equally powerful is another emotion that is the opposite of love, hate. But there are a range of emotions that one may feel before these emotions evolve and turn into hate. Anger is usually the first. Anger is a natural human emotion, but many people are afraid of anger because they don't know what to do with it and don't know how to express it properly. Some people have so much fear of anger that they even deny that they feel this emotion. But it's nothing wrong with feeling anger, it's only wrong when anger is expressed the wrong way.

     As I was going through some things during my fall cleaning and decluttering routine, I found myself left with a bucket of stuff that I just didn't know what to do with. These were things that I wanted to keep and couldn't part ways with. There was quite a bit of stuff that I definitely wanted to get rid of and throw out because I was just tired of looking at it, tired of it just sitting there taking up space and having no use and no longer having any value, and just wanted it gone. So it was very easy for me to throw it in the trash or bag it up to give to Good Will. But there's this bucket of stuff that I had a really hard time letting go of. This was stuff that had sentimental value. Some of them were things that I could possibly use later and wanted to keep “just in case”. I've had many situations where I've thrown out things in the past only to have a situation come up where I could have used what I threw out. So I found myself keeping some of those things that I felt may be of use later. We sometimes do this with our emotions. Because we don't have other tools to use to deal with our challenges and problems that we go through in life, we rely on those tools that are familiar to us. Even if that tool is old, outdated, and no longer really serves us, we still hang onto it. We need to learn new tools of dealing with life. For example, we may have an argument with our spouse and give him the silent treatment. This is a tool we may have learned from a parent. It's a manipulation tool to get what we want. To make the other person give in to our demands or pay attention to our needs. We deny them something in order to gain something. We do the same with our emotions. We hold on to them. We hold on to things (emotions and physical things) that have sentimental value. We hold on to things that we don't know exactly know what to do with. We also hold on to things that we feel we may need later. Things that are not necessarily a tool that would be effective in our current life, but if a situation arises, we feel we may need to pull this tool out and use it because that's all we know. We certainly don't want to be left without our tools right?

     This is how we end up with emotional clutter. Life happens, situations arise, and we react to them either with anger or fear. If you're not able to deal with the anger and resolve it, it usually gets stuffed and you find yourself stuck in this emotion. Emotions are supposed to flow. They are energy in motion. When this energy whether negative or positive is not flowing, we become sick emotionally. Physical pain is a signal that the body sends us to alert us that there is something wrong. When we ignore the signals, when we ignore pain, eventually it moves into another stage and develops into an illness.  
     Emotions are there to alert us and guide us. Anger has a purpose. It lets us know that there's a situation where you are not being treated right. If anger is ignored and looked at and dealt with, it can turn into other emotions that make us emotionally unhealthy or ill. Bitterness and hatred are symptoms of this. 

3 reasons why we carry emotional baggage and clutter:

1.      Holding on to things that have sentimental value. My kids' toys had sentimental value to me so I always kept most of them in a storage bin for many years until they got older. I finally parted ways with these toys and gave them to Good will although I still have one or two that I keep because of its sentimental value. It reminds me of when they were babies and toddlers. There are a couple of stuffed animals and McDonald toys that I have. What emotions do you hold on to that have sentimental value that no longer serve you? Emotions that you keep you stuck, keep you from moving forward in life. Maybe it's emotions from a past relationship that ended 2 years ago, 5 years ago, even 10 years ago that you are not letting go of. Maybe you're a single mom who can't seem to understand why you can't find the man of your dreams and why although you go out on dates and seem to have decent relationships with men, they don't stick. Maybe you're holding on to emotional baggage that you just won't let go of. But, until you can work through these emotions, you won't be able to let them go. You have to understand the connection you have with them before you can release them. It's a process. You may even hold on to emotions from relationships with friends and family that no longer have value. Maybe there are some relationships that have soured or you've grown apart from but you are still holding on to 'feelings' that you can't seem to let go of and continue to mentally go to that place in your mind that dig up these feelings, but yet leave you feeling empty, like there's a void.

2.      Holding on to things we don't know exactly what to do with. That storage bin of things that I just don't know what to do with, where exactly to put it after sifting through all the other junk that I've thrown away......I usually just end up looking at it with a blinking stare. Then after about a minute or so I say to myself, “I'll just put it away for the moment and go back to it and organize it”. Usually I don't end up filing it away and organizing it. It just sits there in the storage bin. Every now and then when a situation arises where I may need something I'll go through this bin and look to see what's in it and if there's something I can use for that particular situation, but even after going back through it I still don't end up organizing it. It's just so much easier to tuck it away and not deal with it. This is how we do with our emotions. I like to use the analogy of an attic. I like to call it our “Soul's attic”. The attic of our soul can have sooo much stuff accumulated over the years. Things that we've literally just stuffed there not wanting to deal with, not knowing how to deal with. Negative emotions are not easy to deal with and process. Sometimes they're just down right hard. We don't like to “feel” those feelings. The storage bin is a little bit easier to deal with because there's not as much stuff there. At least with the leftover storage bin you've attempted to sift through all of the baggage and end up with a little, but when you're dealing with an attic of things you don't know what to do with, things you've tossed in your soul's attic for years and years that you've never sifted through and processed, that can be a huge challenge to deal with. Where do you even begin? There can be so much stuff in your soul's attic that you'd be surprised is there. You think “I forgot about that!” “I didn't even realize I still had this.” Sometimes we evolve and grow to a place in life where we actually have developed the tools to be able to deal with our emotions and work through them, but sometimes an emotion may come up that we still don't know what to do with and still don't know how to deal with.

3.      Holding on to things we feel we may need and can use later. How can you possibly save an emotion and use it later? This is part of the problem with unforgiveness. Things we refuse to let go that we feel is benefiting us in some way because by holding on to it we are making the other person pay for what they did to us. We don't want to release the anger, the bitterness, the animosity because if we do we won't be able to make that person pay up on their debt that they owe us. If we move on we will be letting them off. They owe us. If a situation arises where this person has not paid up on their debt according to our perception and reasoning that they should have to pay whether with time or punishment and it seems that this person is happy, free, living it up in life and having a good time, we need to be able to bring up the past, what they did to us. So we hold on to anger so that we can remind them of what they did. We hold on to bitterness because the benefit to us is so that they can remember how much pain they put us through and hopefully that will bring so much guilt that they suffer emotional turmoil just like we had to. But it doesn't work that way. Or maybe there may be a situation where we can use our emotions to manipulate and get other people to see that person in a negative light based on what they did to us. So this may be a reason why we hold on to emotions.

4.      Holding on to things because of fear of the empty space. For some people emptiness equals loneliness. You may have a real desire to clear the clutter but fear keeps you hanging on to it. One big fear is that you may be afraid that once you've cleared the clutter, now you have to move forward. Now you have no excuse for not taking action, not doing, not being productive because your excuse (the clutter) is now gone. Maybe you've hung on to the clutter so that you could have excuses for not moving forward. This is part of procrastination.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Healthy Brain = A Better Mood

Over the past couple of decades or so, the American public has been brainwashed to think that fat in our food is bad. Instead of offering commercials that show us comparisons of the good, healthy fats vs. the bad ones, we've been made to think that all fat is bad and therefore have pretty much eliminated healthy essential fats from our diet. This is disastrous because little did we know and little have we been taught that fat is needed for the healthy functioning of our brain and nervous system.......

 Surprising right?!

Well I'm here to inform you that fat is essential to your health. Not only is it essential for heart health but brain health as well. No wonder so many people in today's society are experiencing depression like never before. It's becoming an epidemic. And if you ask me, it seems like a downright conspiracy so that the drug industry can keep pumping people with drugs that keep their wallets stuffed. 

So here's the truth about fats! 

Fatty acids from fats are what your brain uses to create the specialized cells that allow you to think and feel. The structures within your brain are made up of about 100 billion neurons as well as trillions of support cells called glia (or neuroglia). So what is the function of glia you might be wondering? Well, neuroglia maintain homeostasis, form myelin which is something that insulates and protects neurons and is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Protective myelin is composed of 30% protein and 70% fat. One of the most common fatty acids in myelin is oleic acid, which is also the most abundant fatty acid in human milk, and leads me to comment on breastfeeding. I know that breastfeeding is a controversial topic among moms but this is one of the reasons why breastfeeding is strongly encouraged. It gives your baby such a good start in brain health! I know that some moms really struggle with breastfeeding so if you are one of those moms who just can't, make sure that you are providing a really good quality formula that has the nutrients to supports brain health.  Monosaturated Oleic acid is also found in olive oil. It's one of the main components of olive oil as well as the oils from almonds, pecans, macadamias, peanuts, and avocados.

Back to how the brain functions....

Neuroglia is basically considered to be the "glue" that helps to keep everything together in your nervous system. Glia plays a role in neurotransmission which is a process by which your cells communicate with each other. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that send a signal from a neuron to a target cell to tell it what to do and how to function. When your neurotransmitters are not functioning properly, if really affects your thoughts, your mood, and so many other functions of your body. It can affect your energy level as well because certain chemicals/neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are directly linked to how you feel. The food that you eat also directly affects the brain chemicals that influence your mood and behavior. 

So here are some healthy fats (on the left side of the chart) that I want to share with you that you should be incorporating into your diet to help you keep those neurons healthy and keep your neurotransmitters working the way they should:

~Here's to Your Health!~

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Estrogen and the Role that it plays throughout pregnancy and postpartum

Hormones control everything from sleep cycle to metabolism. As a woman, keeping hormones balanced is a challenge with constant changes that occur during regular monthly cycles. Diet and lifestyle play a huge role in how healthy your hormones are, or how healthy and normal the production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are. Men are not the only ones who have testerosterone, women also produce testerosterone but in really low amounts, produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Men produce 20 times more testosterone than women. These hormones can fluctuate due to a number of different reasons. Even the food that you eat contributes to hormone production. Is your diet supporting hormone production or is it affecting hormone production in a negative way? Even exercise can help to support healthy hormone production.

Pregnancy causes many hormonal changes in a woman's body. Estrogen levels are dramatically increased during pregnancy. Low progesterone and estrogen levels have been linked to depression, and high estrogen levels contribute to excessive bleeding. In relation to balance between both of these hormones, the relative abundance of estrogen in comparison to progestrone can contribute to the development of uterine fibroids. As with symptoms of PPD being due to hormonal changes in the body (increased estrogen and progesterone levels and then a dramatic decrease in these hormones after childbirth), so it is that increased estrogen levels can contribute to unwanted conditions in the body. One of these is the growth of uterine fibroids. It's very important to lose pregnancy weight because of the risk of uterine fibroids. The more body fat you have, the more this fat (adipose tissue) causes an overproduction of estrogen to be released into the body which causes the growth of fibroids. If you have heavy periods, it may be due to fibroids and you should get tested by your doctor. Fat cells are loaded with aromatase (an enzyme that plays a role in the production of estrogen) and are responsible for storing large quantities of estrogen. The higher your percentage of body fat, the more estrogen you can produce and the fatter you will be unless you control your diet and use supplements and exercise to lower estrogen production.

How Exercise supports healthy hormone production:

Exercise helps lower body fat. Exercise has been proven to lower estrogen levels, therefore lowering the amount of exposure.Women with extremely low levels of fat in the body have problems producing sufficient amounts of estrogen. This is common in extreme cases of athletes, models, and gymnasts, although regular workouts should not have a negative impact on estrogen production, they actually help.

Healthy ways to control estrogen production through diet:

Extracts of certain mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)  have been shown to inhibit aromatase.

Red grapes are not only beneficial to your health by providing vitamin A, B, C, E, and K but also contain resveratrol in their skin. Resveratrol appears to decrease tumor promotion activity by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), an enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to pro-inflammatory substances that stimulate tumor-cell growth. An even better supplement that helps with balancing estrogen levels is red grape skin extract which improves the liver P450 system and helps to effectively removes excess estrogen.

~Here's to Your Health!~

Friday, April 13, 2012

Childcare may be a good source of help for Moms with Postpartum Depression

I received a question from a mom regarding whether or not she should put her child in daycare, "Maybe not all day", she stated, "But part time" because of postpartum depression that she is struggling with. She has a 4 yr old daughter who she is having trouble with and a 2 yr old daughter. She stated that the 4 yr acts up really bad whenever she has her bad days with ppd and it's very hard for her to deal with her child and the ppd. The 2 yr doesn't give her problems, she's a really calm child who is good about sitting and playing by herself or watching tv or looking at a book. The 5 yr old is the one that's very active. I completely understand her plight and was thinking back to when I was struggling with ppd. I know that a lot of mothers struggle with guilt when it comes to working and leaving their child behind with a babysitter or daycare instead of staying home with the baby so I know there has to be even more guilt for a mother who is not working and is considering putting her child in daycare just so she can have some time to herself, especially on those really bad days where she has to struggle with lack of energy/fatigue and dealing with ppd. I say that when it comes to your health and wellness, as a mom you need to do what is best for you and your family. And if that means asking for help from friends and family or even placing your child in a daycare center, I think it's best to get the help that you need so that you can get well. Don't think of it as neglecting your child, think of it as accepting support (whether this support comes from a friend/family member or daycare) because you have a medical condition that is limiting your ability to care for your child the way you need to and would like to. It's no different than if you had a physical condition or illness that would limit your ability to care for your child, you wouldn't feel as guilty about it in this case, so you shouldn't with ppd. Don't allow other people's opinion of you and your abilities as a mother make you feel incompetent or guilty. Remind them that ppd is a real illness and educate them about it. This is about you and your family. In order to care for your family you need to be at your best to be able to take care of them. Don't try to be supermom and take on more than you can handle. If you don't have friends and family to help out with babysitting and watching your child then daycare would be the next option.

After thinking back to the time when I went through ppd I realized that during that time while I worked a full-time job this actually helped me in a lot of ways. It gave me a reason and motivation to get up out of bed each morning (forced me to get up and get moving) and working is really kind of like a vacation if you want to call it that. A lot of women say this. I've even had one of my coworkers a few years back to tell me that she decided to work just to get a break from her kids. This is not something I would advise unless you have some type of disability or illness (like ppd) but I found out after having a conversation with her during lunch one day that she had experienced postpartum depression too. She had two boys. We spent time everyday during our lunch hour walking and talking and even prayed during this time. But work can be sort of getaway time, even though you're at work. My job was an office job where I sat down all day in front of a computer. I worked because we needed the dual income. Although I always desired to work from home and was allowed that opportunity when my daughter turned 4, there were many benefits to working in an office that provided a boost for me when she was a baby, the time that I was experiencing ppd. Getting to see my coworkers everyday and connect with other adults was one of them. And the extra money that I earned allowed me to be able to buy little extra things that my kids needed. It was a chance for me to get out of the house and not be isolated. It gave me a sense of accomplishment as well. A lot of mothers isolate themselves and this only contributes to depression. You need to either join a support group, become active at a local church, volunteer, or even working part-time or full-time helps a lot. It helps to keep you connected and keeps you going. So don't allow guilt to keep you from getting the help and support you need to recover from ppd. Do what's best for you and your family!

~Here's to Your Health!~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Emotional Health and Wellness: "What is that in Your Hand?"....."Refocusing the Lens of your Mind"

I have stated before that thoughts create emotion. Emotions are energy in motion. Without this energy, we wouldn't move, we wouldn't act or take action. We would be lifeless. Emotions are required to help propel us into action and they are either positive or negative. When that energy is negative (stemming from negative thoughts), we find ourselves not knowing what to do with it. Sure we know what to do with positive energy or emotions. When we feel love we express it, we want to share it. When we feel joy we express that as well. We don't bottle up joy and love. But when we feel a negative emotion like anger we tend to bottle it up inside, we don't know how to express it. Those who bottle up anger either fear expressing anger in a destructive way or have been conditioned to believe that anger is wrong. As you allow this emotion to stay bottled up, it becomes stagnant and turns into other things like animosity, resentment, and bitterness if we don't eventually release it. So the way to eliminate negative emotions is to eliminate negative thoughts because thoughts create emotions. What you think about produces your feelings about certain things or yourself. When you think negatively about yourself, you will feel negative about yourself which will keep you stuck in life.

Some days you can have all the confidence in the world but other days you struggle with flaws and insecurities. I love the way God uses people who are not exactly qualified. As someone who was raised in a religious environment of do's and don'ts, I use to have somewhat of a problem with seeing people who I thought didn't "fit the bill" enjoy being rich, enjoying prosperity, and doing things that I felt that only the "qualified" was supposed to be able to do. This belief originated not only from a spirit of religion, but also the surroundings that I was raised in. Where I come from you had to have sometimes not just one degree but a Master's or Phd or 2 degrees and some type of certification lol (exaggeration, somewhat..) to go along with it in order to even be considered for a job. This is a great thing to have but what about those who don't have that? You end up feeling unqualified, unworthy, and inferior to everyone else who does.

For many years I would hear messages preached about Moses and other prophets in the bible who God called and chose to lead the people or to be a messenger. And how these particular individuals had flaws, weaknesses, fears and insecurities which caused them to feel that they were not qualified for the job and just not good enough. God asked Moses "What is that in your hand?" (Exodus 4:2) My mother would tell for years after pursuing this degree and that degree that I already had enough skills, qualifications, and talents to do whatever it was that I wanted to do. But for some reason I always got tripped up in this area and it caused me for many years to be stuck. Insecurities will keep you from going after those things in your life that you ARE qualified for. Some things don't have to be certified on paper, God has already written it in your blueprint and given the seal of approval. You are already designed for greatness!

There were a couple of situations where I experienced getting passed over for a job promotion to someone who I knew wasn't as qualified as I was and I even witnessed my husband getting passed over for a job promotion as well. And it wasn't until I moved to a new city ten years ago, with a different culture and different way of doing things (different mindset) that I began to experience a little bit of freedom from that perfectionism syndrome. I noticed that there were a lot of jobs where you only needed a high school diploma.  I also experienced being under supervisors who did not have any type of degree. This is when I began to stop focusing on what I didn't have, and started focusing on what I did have. These two life experiences taught me how to use what I already have and work it to my advantage. It helped me to refocus the lens of my mind.

It's very difficult at times for us as human beings to look at what we already have; the gifts, talents, and skills that God has already given us. We have a tendency to naturally look at what is wrong, and have to force ourselves to look at what is right and good. We naturally look at the things that we don't have that we desire in life, and most of the time fail to consider the blessing that have already been bestowed upon us. Problems so easily get magnified in our mind. I guess it's because we are automatically prone to operate in survival mode, and when a problem arises, instinctively that's what we focus on the most. My grandmother use to sing a song in church all the time when I was growing up "Count your blessings, name them one by one". This song was a good way to get people who attended the church service to leave their problems behind them and focus on the good things in their life. To mentally usher them (as an usher would lead you to your seat) into the presence of God and forget about the cares of this life.

We use to have a saying back in the day "Work it!" That saying basically meant take what you've got and use it! The essence of finding true confidence in yourself is not necessarily eliminating all fear, getting rid of your flaws, or perfecting oneself, it's the ability to refocus. To minimize the negative and maximize the positive. That's the real secret to staying in a place of confidence that allows you to move forward. This is the essence of feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Courage is the opposite of fear, just as negative is the opposite of positive.  The one that you decide to focus on is what determines your ability to move forward. When we focus so much on ourselves, our insecurities, our weaknesses, our flaws, it overshadows the good stuff. It literally places those positives into a place where you can't see them. Whatever you focus on overshadows or casts a shadow on those things surrounding it. When you focus on the positive, the negatives are out of your mind's sight. It's not that they don't exist, you can still have flaws, still have weaknesses, but it's when you don't focus on them that you move them out of the light and into the shadows. Light is an energy source, and either you are giving energy to the positives or you are giving energy to the negatives. It's kind of like this quote:

Subtracting negative not only applies to getting rid of baggage, it can also apply to faults about ourselves that we continually maximize, that keep us in a state of fear, in a state of procrastination, and in a state of immobility. Just keep us stuck! Stuck in neverland unable to move forward in life. How does subtracting a negative create a positive? In algebra, there's a scale that is displayed to demonstrate how negative and positive integers work.

Think of it like this. In looking at the number line imagine yourself zooming in on the negative number to the left of the zero, zero being the baseline or point of reference. The more you zoom in on the negative number, the more you place the positive number in a shadow, you can't see them, they don't stand out. Your lens only has the ability to focus in on one area at a time. If you were to focus or zoom in on the positive number you would minimize the negative numbers. Now try subtracting in your mind the negative numbers one at time on the left side of the number line. Mentally picture that as you subtract each number, the right side (positives) start to come in a little closer to view while the negative ones dissapear. It's almost as if they are moving out of the shadows into the light. This is how it works with our mental picture of ourselves. The mind is like a computer, it's always processing information, and that which we focus on becomes magnified. So why not practice magnifying the good stuff and minimizing the bad. That's not to say that you should sweep your flaws under the rug and not work on them. No, there's always room to grow. That's only to say that you should work on strengthening them, but not make them so big that they overshadow everything else. It's kind of like the way a a software program, for example an antivirus program, works in the background. You can still work on your computer while your antivirus quietly operates in the background to get rid of the negative stuff. The program is being minimized. 

Do you think about past failures too much? Do you have fearful thoughts about the future? Whenever you find yourself focusing on your failures and flaws recall God's question: "What is that in your hand?"

~Here's to Your Health!~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nature's "Chill Pills" - B-Vitamins!

We live in a really fast-paced world today. With all of the latest technology like cell phones and texting, computers, tv, video games, etc., it just sets a person up for information overload. You have to take time out of your day to relax and allow the mind to just shut down. Everybody experiences a little bit of worry and anxiety sometimes. Anxiety is no fun. Nobody likes to feel frazzled and feel like a nervous wreck all the time. But this is something that people with postpartum depression experience a lot of the time, if not all the time. And it's not like you can control it with will power. You don't want to snap at the people around you, but because you're not feeling well, your nerves are shot, and your hormones are all out of balance,....which leaves you feeling irritable, this is what you end up doing despite your best efforts to keep your emotions all under control. You don't want to snap at your kids, you love your kids. But with all of the stress and responsibilities of motherhood and for some mothers who have to work outside the home, the added stress of going to a full-time job everyday, dealing with traffic in the morning and after work, and just being SUPERmom, you find yourself caught up in moments where you feel completely overwhelmed and just need a break!

I would have moments when my kids were little that I really wanted to run away from home and I felt like a bad mother for feeling this way. I would ask my husband if I could leave for a couple of months just to get away but he would say if I did I couldn't come back. I know this was his way of expressing his fear of being left to deal with the responsibilities all by himself so he wanted to scare me into not leaving, which worked lol. There's a lot of guilt and condemnation that goes along with these feelings and I just wanted to be a normal, happy mother like other mothers that I would see enjoying their kids. "Why did my kids get on my nerves so much" I would think. "Why did just about everything get on my nerves so much?" I mean it wasn't all the time but it was majority of the time that I had to deal with these "off" emotions. The feelings of wanting to run away would come usually when I would be washing the dishes after an 8 hour day at work, spending 2 hrs on the road traveling to daycare to pick up the kids and then home to cook dinner. I didn't want to leave for good, just get away for a couple of months in a hotel, by myself with no dishes to wash, no one to clean up after, no one requesting all of my attention 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, with little break in between. How in the world did I get through it all? Only by the grace of God and of course with the help of my husband. He helped me out a lot which was truly a blessing. Fortunately I married someone who likes to cook so whenever I was too tired to cook, he would cook dinner. He pitched in to help with laundry and other things around the house as well.  Although there are a lot of women who do it, I really can't imagine what single mothers with 2, 3, even 4 kids have to go through. Parenting is hard enough with two parents sharing the load. The hard work of parenting definitely requires two people.

Anxiety interferes with daily life and your ability to function normal. By normal I mean, being able to be your real self, be in a good mood and maintain emotional balance, and truly enjoy life. What's normal is looking at a sink full of dirty dishes and thinking I gotta get this done and you just do it. What's not normal is looking at a sink full of dirty dishes and it overwhelming you to the point where you just want to curl back up in bed, put the covers over your head, and fade away. That's not normal at all. Housework can be a challenge, but it shouldn't be that much of a challenge where you just can't seem to get it done or can't function enough to even get out of bed to take a shower. When showering becomes a chore and a burden then there really is something wrong and you need some help. Postpartum depression is not a 'bout of laziness, it's an illness. There are things that are not functioning normal in the body whether it's hormones or nerves and the body is not functioning properly.

Anxiety can get so bad that you're irritable about every little thing. It's like having PMS everyday. You don't want people to see you in this light...moody, irritable, cranky. Nobody wants to be around that kind of person, and you don't want to BE that person that no one wants to be around. So you try to hide it from those on the outside, but you usually end up letting it lose on those closest to you. They suffer from your bouts of anxiety. My husband use to call me Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. And that's exactly how I felt a lot of the time. Anxiety can ruin the best of relationships leaving the sufferer feeling isolated and lonely in the long run. And not only do you end up feeling lonely and isolated, guess what other feelings have come along to join you? Feelings of guilt! Guilt from snapping at those around you, and guilt for not being able to be the best mom that you really want to be to your kids, and lastly...guilt for feeling like you have this horrible personality disorder. So you think, why me? I wanted to be like my grandmother who had 11 kids and was ALWAYS in a good mood, even when she had extra kids (her grandkids). I use to think, "Wow! I would love to have a transplant lol, of whatever 'calm' genes that those mothers who deal with a lot of kids with so much patience have."

How in the world do their hormones remain so stabilized and balanced after all those darn kids!! (~eyebrows raised~Lol) .

During those days when I struggled with postpartum depression and would have moments of really bad anxiety, irritability, serious mood swings, etc. I would sit and look at my husband sitting in front of the tv so calm and peaceful. He was like this ALL the time. All I could do was wish that I could be that way. I prayed and prayed for God to provide me with a solution to this problem. "Must be nice" I would think to myself about my husband's calmness. "It's something about those genes" I would always tell him, "hey I need those calm genes".

When my daughter was about 6 and I really struggled with my weight and was really desperate to get the weight off and get back in my size 7/8 clothes that I wore before having my kids, I went out and bought  a weight loss product called Relacore. After watching the commercial, even my son who was 9 at the time said "Mama I think that's what you need, and I think that's why you have belly fat, because of stress" Lol. I totally agreed with him. This was before the days of learning about hormones and the workings of the human body. I thought, well it's over-the-counter and it's used for weight loss so it must not be too unsafe, plus it was advertised as an herbal product so it has to be safe. Also, little did I know about the FDA at that time and products that are allowed on the market that really are not that safe for the public. Well, I ended up not taking Relacore anymore because I just don't like pills or drugs of any kind unless I know for sure that it's all natural. And a lot of drug companies that make claims of "all-natural" really don't reveal everything that's in their product, just as those food companies who "claim" that their product is sugar-free, low-fat, or low-carb. Even though it seemed pretty safe and had herbs in it, I still in the back of my mind was unsure of the claims of all-natural so I stopped taking it. But the first couple of x's that I took it I was so calm and I thought "Wow, so this is what everybody else feels like ALL the time....Awesome!!

Well I know first-hand what those of you who are experiencing postpartum depression go through. That's why I am so passionate about helping other moms get through it, learn how to cope with, and eventually find healing and relief from it and overcome it!

So here's a rundown of the B-vitamins, their function, and what they do for your body:

All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly, and are needed for good brain function. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them.

**Although you can use a good B-complex vitamin supplement to get your intake of B vitamins, it's good to try incorporate foods that are rich in vitamin B into your diet.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
B1, also called thiamine or thiamin, is one of eight B vitamins. Like other B complex vitamins, thiamine is sometimes called an "anti-stress" vitamin because it may strengthen the immune system and improve the body's ability to withstand stressful conditions. It is named B1 because it was the first B vitamin discovered.

Symptoms of thiamine deficiency are fatigue, irritability, depression and abdominal discomfort.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Dietary Sources:

The best sources of riboflavin include brewer's yeast, almonds, organ meats, whole grains, wheat germ, wild rice, mushrooms, soybeans, milk, yogurt, eggs, broccoli, ​Brussels sprouts, and spinach. Flours and cereals are often fortified with riboflavin. Riboflavin is destroyed by light, so food should be stored away from light to protect its riboflavin content. While riboflavin is not destroyed by heat, it can be lost in water when foods are boiled or soaked. During cooking, roasting, and steaming preserves more riboflavin than frying or scalding.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Niacin also helps the body make various sex and stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands and other parts of the body. Niacin helps improve circulation. Symptoms of mild deficiency include indigestion, fatigue, canker sores, vomiting, and depression.

Dietary Sources:

The best food sources of vitamin B3 are found in beets, brewer's yeast, beef liver, beef kidney, fish, salmon, swordfish, tuna, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. Bread and cereals are usually fortified with niacin. In addition, foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid the body coverts into niacin, include poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A (CoA), an essential coenzyme in a variety of reactions that sustain life. CoA is required for chemical reactions that generate energy from food (fat, carbohydrates, and proteins).

Dietary Sources:

Small quantities of pantothenic acid are found in most foods. The major food source of pantothenic acid is in meats. Whole grains are another good source of this vitamin because it is found in the outer layer of the grain. Milling, which is a process of stripping the grain and how we get white rice, destroys the nutrients in grains so it's best to eat whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa.

Legumes are another food source which contains pantothenic acid. Higher sources of pantothenic acid are cooked lentils.

Vegetables such as broccoli and avocados also have an abundance of this acid. The most significant sources of pantothenic acid in nature are coldwater fish ovaries (or caviar...not sure if I would ever try caviar personally) and royal jelly which you can find in health food stores. 

Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine)

Vitamin B6 helps the body to make antibodies. Antibodies are needed to fight many diseases, maintain normal nerve function, make hemoglobin and keep blood sugar (glucose) in normal ranges. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the red blood cells to the tissues. A vitamin B6 deficiency can cause a form of anemia. Vitamin B6 also help the body make several neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals from one nerve cell to another. It is needed for normal brain development and function, and helps the body make the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which influence mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate the body clock. Along with vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid), B6 helps control levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid that may be associated with heart disease. Your body need B6 in order to absorb vitamin B12 and to make red blood cells and cells of the immune system.

Dietary Sources:

Vitamin B6 is found in:
Legumes (dried beans)
Whole grains
Fortified breads and cereals may also contain vitamin B6. Fortified means that a ​vitamin or mineral has been added to the food.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin, also referred to as vitamin H, belong to a category of vitamins known as the B-complex group.

Dietary Sources:

Biotin is available in a wide variety of foods, including nuts, legumes, milk, meat, eggs, cauliflower, bananas, mushrooms, soybeans, whole grains and cereals.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid, is one of eight B vitamins. Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health. It aids in the production of DNA and RNA, the body's genetic material, and is especially important when cells and tissues are growing rapidly, such as in infancy, adolescence, and pregnancy. Folic acid also works closely with vitamin B12 to help make red blood cells and help iron work properly in the body.

The evidence about whether folic acid can help relieve depression is mixed. Some studies show that 15 - 38% of people with depression have low folate levels in their bodies, and those with very low levels tend to be the most depressed. And one study found that people who did not get better when taking antidepressants had low levels of folic acid. One double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that taking 500 mcg of folic acid daily helped the antidepressant Prozac work better in women, but maybe not men. But another study found that taking folic acid and vitamin B12 was no better than placebo in relieving depression in older people.

Dietary Sources:

Rich sources of folate include spinach, dark leafy greens, asparagus, turnip, beets, and mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, lima beans, soybeans, beef liver, brewer's yeast, root vegetables, whole grains, wheat germ, bulgur wheat, kidney beans, white beans, lima beans, mung beans, salmon, orange juice, avocado, and milk. In addition, all grain and cereal products in the U.S. are fortified with folic acid.

B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in neurological function (the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system), DNA synthesis, and required for proper red blood cell formation.

Dietary Sources:

Some dietary sources are beef liver, clams, fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products, some breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeast (brewers yeast).

            National Institutes of Health . (n.d.). B Vitamins . Retrieved from 

            National Institutes of Health . (n.d.). Office of Dietary Supplements . Retrieved from  

Dealing with Worry and Anxiety

When I was a little girl I remember one of my aunts using the quote "Take a chill pill". Although she was just making light of a tense situation and using a slang term that we frequently quoted back in the day, little did I know that there really were "chill pills".  Back in the old days people would randomly say "I need my nerve pills", and I never knew what "nerve pills" were until I asked a preacher's wife one day at a church that I attended when my daughter was a baby. She told me that the older generation referred to B-vitamins as nerve pills. After that discovery, I was on my way to many other discoveries regarding health and nutrition and studying about the human body and hormones which I was very fascinated about.

There is a large percentage of the US population who are taking antidepressants and other prescription drugs to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression today. Many people who take recreational drugs, overindulge in junk food, drink alcohol excessively, and smoke cigarettes are really looking for a way to relieve the pain (both physical and emotional pain) that they are experiencing. We've recently witnessed the death of of one my all-time favorite singers, Whitney Houston, due to these type of prescription medicines and other drugs. Stress, worry, and anxiety is something that everyone experiences from time to time but when it happens more often than not, it's time to get yourself checked out by your doctor, find out what's really going on, and start doing something about it.

As a holistic health counselor I look to natural ways of healing the body because there is so much that is provided to us in nature to be used for medicinal purposes. That's what God created plant foods and herbs for. Don't get me wrong, I never recommend to anyone not to use prescription medicine or stop taking something that has been prescribed by their doctor. First of all because your doctor is the go to person who decides whether you should be on prescription medicine or not, and second of all, there are some people who do require prescription medicine, it's completely something to be determined by your doctor. But, what I AM saying is that just because you may have to take a prescription drug doesn't mean you can neglect eating healthy foods. Drugs are not a cure-all and they are definitely not good for your liver because it is a foreign unnatural substance and can be very toxic to the body. Your liver has to process these toxins. The function of the liver is to help the body to eliminate waste, or toxic substances. But if there are too many toxins, the liver becomes overloaded and therefore cannot function properly. This is what happens with a person who smokes cigarettes.

Personally I do not like drugs. I have never been someone prone to take drugs or experiment with them, I don't even really like taking aspirin unless I just have to, because I don't want to become dependent on it.  I've always relied on herbs to bring my body back in to hormonal balance and to relieve specific symptoms. Some people rely on sleeping pills to help them fall asleep at night and sleeping pills can become addictive. But there's a more natural alternative. Melatonin is a natural hormone that the body produces to help us fall asleep and it's something that you can buy over-the-counter to get your body back into hormonal balance if you are having trouble sleeping. A lot of times caffeine is a reason why people have trouble sleeping. Too much caffeine can get the body out of whack and create hormonal imbalance. So you end up drinking 4-6 cups of coffee per day to keep you going and then popping sleeping pills at night to help you sleep and it becomes an ongoing cycle. The body never really gets a chance to heal itself and get back into balance naturally because you are too busy feeding it unnatural substances.

Instead of taking pills, I prefer to eat healthy and eliminate certain foods out of my diet that may cause allergies which create headaches and other ailments than to keep eating whatever I want and pop a pill to get rid of the pain. The body was created to heal itself if you provide it the nutrients and raw material (fruit and vegetables) that it needs to do so. Another reason I don't like drugs is because I never like to feel "out-of-control". Before I started studying about health and nutrition, years ago in my efforts to lose the weight that I put on from pregnancy I tried taking some diet pills because one of my coworkers who had lost a lot of weight after the birth of her baby stated that she was taking diet pills. The diet pills that I tried were the ones that Anna Nicole Smith was taking and had endorsed before she died (TrimSpa). The other diet pills that I tried years before TrimSpa was Relacore. I didn't experience side-effects with Relacore but stopped taking them because as I said before, I don't like being dependent on drugs although Relacore was an herbal diet supplement. But TrimSpa was very, very dangerous! Even the ephedra-free ones that I was taking. These pills had my hormones so out of whack it had me going through crying spells and hot flashes. There was one time I had taken a dose before working my shift at the job that I was working at and I felt dizzy and light-headed and ended up drinking tons of water to try to get it out of my system. All I could do was wait it out and after about 4-5 hours I finally came down from the effect of it. This is why I don't like drugs! I never took diet pills after that.

What I do advocate is learning about more holistic methods of healing the body, whether as something to do 100% of the time or something to help increase the effectiveness of the prescription medicine. One big reason why I try to educate on holistic health and wellness is because our society has been brain-washed into thinking that drugs are to answer to everything. Other cultures are very much into herbal treatments, acupunture, etc. Many of the healing techniques that are accepted and effective in other countries have not yet been adopted in the Western countries. Holistic healing is a form of alternative healthcare that integrates the whole person in the healing process: body, soul (mind, will, emotion), and spirit. When a person gets a headache the most common thing to do is to pop an aspirin into our mouth. Most people don't consider looking at what's going on to cause the headache in the first place. Stress factors at work, at home, lifestyle,....these all play a role in how we feel. What type of foods are you eating? How well dehydrated are you? I'm surprised to know that there are still people who don't drink water. Drinking 3-4 or more sodas a day, smoking cigarettes, and never drinking water is definitely not healthy for you. What a lot of people are doing is self-medicating by eating junk food, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol to relieve stress and pain, and just living a very unhealthy lifestyle and relying on pills to be the quick fix.

Lifestyle change is the key to healing the body. Change in lifestyle being daily exercise to stimulate those "feel-good" hormones (endorphins), changes in your diet to make sure that you are providing your body all of the nutrients it needs, and changes in your mindset to eliminate negative thinking patterns which is a good breeding ground for worry and anxiety. Stress has a direct affect on your emotions and your energy level.

So let me tell you about my "chill pill" that I recommend to anyone experiencing frequent stress and anxiety and even depression. These pills (vitamins) are a very important part of the human diet and should be a part of your regular regimen of nutrients you are taking in everyday for optimal health and wellness. These vitamins are 'drumroll'...........THE B-VITAMINS! : ) Are you getting enough B-vtimains in your diet. Well let me tell you what these vitamins will do you Nature's "Chill Pills"...The B-Vitamins!